25,783 BBY
- The Jedi Order is established.
18,053 BBY
- The Galactic Republic is established.
7000-6900 BBY
- The Hundred-Year Darkness occurs.
5000-4990 BBY
- The Great Hyperspace War occurs.
4990-4989 BBY
- The Sith Holocaust occurs.
3997-3992 BBY
- The Krath Holy Crusade occurs.
3992-3990 BBY
- The Great Sith War occurs.
3900 BBY
- Alderaan is colonized by the Naboo, Human settlers from Grizmallt.
1076-1060 BBY
- The Mandalorian Wars occur.
1059-1056 BBY
- The Jedi-Sith War occurs.
1058 BBY
- Dessel Bane is born to Hurst Bane and his wife on Apatros.
1056-1050 BBY
- The Sith Civil War occurs.
1050-1042 BBY
- A task force led by the Jedi master Skere Kaan is dispatched to vanquish the remnants of the New Sith Empire. In the process, Kaan and his Jedi fall to the dark side, creating the Brotherhood of Darkness.
1042-1032 BBY
- The Light and Darkness War occurs.
1035 BBY
- Dessel Bane joins the Brotherhood of Darkness.
1032-1000 BBY
- Seeking to preserve the Sith legacy following the Battle of Ruusan, Dessel Bane searches the galaxy for Sith artifacts and lore. His hunt takes him to Prakith, final resting place of the unorthodox Sith Lord Andeddu, where he acquires the Holocron of Heresies. Consulting the holocron, influenced by Andeddu's philosophy, Bane creates the Rule of Two, limiting the Sith to two members at a time, one master and one apprentice, to spare his order from the infighting which destroyed the New Sith.
1010 BBY
- Zannah is born on Somov Rit.
1000 BBY
- The Ruusan Reformation occurs.
- Zannah begins her Sith training under Dessel Bane.
990 BBY
- Zannah becomes disillusioned with the Rule of Two, finding it too restrictive. Now at odds with Dessel Bane, she leaves him, fleeing to Serreno.
- Hetton, an aged Serrenian nobleman and Sith aficionado, begins his Sith training under Zannah.
- The Iktotchi bounty hunter, the Huntress, begins her Sith training under Bane.
990-980 BBY
- Believing himself too old and weakened from the ravages of the dark side to complete the Huntress' training in the time he has left, Bane dissects the Holocron of Heresies for methods to stave off death. From it he extracts the knowledge of transferring his essence into another being.
980 BBY
- Dessel Bane and the Huntress confront Zannah and Hetton. In the ensuing fight, Hetton is slain and Bane's body disintegrates as he attempts transferring his essence into Zannah's body. The transfer initially appears a failure, with Zannah retaining full awareness and control of her body. In the months to come, his personality gradually emerges, displacing hers.
980-850 BBY
- The Huntress becomes Dessel Bane's host.
- Grown disdainful of Sith tradition, motivated by pure egoism, Bane deems himself to have surpassed the Sith and abandons the Rule of Two for the Rule of One, committing apostacy.
896 BBY
- Yoda is born.
700 BBY
- Gardulla Besadii the Elder is born on Nal Hutta.
600 BBY
- Jabba Desilijic Tiure is born to Zorba Desilijic Tiure on Nal Hutta.
200 BBY
- Chewbacca is born to Attichitcuk and his mate on Kashyyyk.
189 BBY
- Hego Damask is born to Caar Damask and one of his wives on Mygeeto.
150-121 BBY
- The Gungan-Naboo War occurs.
140 BBY
- Sheev Palpatine is born to Cosinga Palpatine and his wife.
131 BBY
- Jorus C'baoth is born on Bortas.
123 BBY
- Sheev Palpatine begins his dark side training under Bane/Damask.
109 BBY
- C-3PO is activated on Affa.
109-107 BBY
- Jorus C'baoth attends the Jedi training centre on Kamparas.
105 BBY
- Jorus C'baoth completes his Jedi training.
93 BBY
- Jorus C'baoth assumes the title of Jedi master.
92 BBY
- Qui-Gon Jinn is born on Serreno.
91 BBY
- Aika Lars is born.
90 BBY
- Sheev Palpatine becomes Dessel Bane's host.
87 BBY
- Cliegg Whitesun is born to Lef and Gredda Whitesun on Ator.
85 BBY
- Aika Lars and her parents are captured by pirates and sold into slavery.
- Jorus C'baoth conceives the Outbound Flight Project, a massive expedition of 50,000 colonists into the Unknown Regions and eventually beyond the Galactic Rim to the Rishi Maze.
83 BBY
- Outbound Flight departs Yaga Minor.
82 BBY
- Acquiring cloning technology from Spaarti Creations, Bane/Palpatine discontinues the difficult and risky procedure of transferring his essence into hapless protégés, choosing now to use mindless clone bodies as hosts for his spirit.
79 BBY
- Qui-Gon Jinn begins training under Yoda.
77 BBY
- Shmi Warka is born.
64 BBY
- Asajj Ventress is born on Rattatak.
61 BBY
- The Axis of Spaarti, commanding an army of clone soldiers, secedes from the Republic.
60 BBY
- Ben Lars (Obi-Wan Kenobi) is born to Aika Lars on C-Faroon.
58 BBY
- Siri Tachi is born.
57 BBY
- Gardulla transfers ownership of Aika and Ben Lars to Cliegg Whitesun.
- Owen Lars is born to Aika Lars and Cliegg Whitesun on Taris.
55 BBY
- Anakin and Beru Skywalker are born on Tatooine.
54 BBY
- Bail Prestor Organa is born on Alderaan.
53 BBY
- Nellith Arkady is born to Tan and Zara Arkady on Townowi.
- Ahsoka Tano is born to Nak-Il and Pav-Ti Tano on Shili.
52 BBY
- Gial Ackbar is born on Dac.
- Anakin and Beru Skywalker are orphaned.
51 BBY
- Yoda frees the Larses from slavery, relocating Aika and Owen Lars to Tatooine while Ben Lars accompanies him to Coruscant to begin his Jedi training.
50 BBY
- Ahsoka Tano begins her Jedi training under Plo Koon.
48 BBY
- Mon Mothma is born on Chandrila.
47 BBY
- Darth Vader is born to Chlorian Vader and Shmi Warka on Jakku.
- Asajj Ventress begins her Jedi training under Ky Narec.
47-37 BBY
- Ky Narec is slain in battle. Consumed by rage and loss, Asajj Ventress leaves Rattatak. She eventually meets Qui-Gon Jinn, who becomes her new master.
45 BBY
- The Mandalorian Death Watch stages a coup on Mandalore, overthrowing the pacifist New Mandalorian government.
43 BBY
- Yoda is expelled from the Jedi Order.
- Qui-Gon Jinn replaces Yoda as Ben Lars' Jedi master.
40 BBY
- Several hundred systems sign the Treaty of Concordance with the Axis of Spaarti.
- The events of Star Wars: Episode I occur.
37 BBY
- The events of Star Wars: Episode II occur.
35 BBY
- The events of Star Wars: Episode III occur.
- Anakin Skywalker and Nellith Arkady are married.
32 BBY
- The events of Star Wars: Episode IV occur.
29 BBY
- Han Solo is born on Corellia.
24-22 BBY
- The Rise of the New Order occurs.
22-1 BBY
- The Great Jedi Purge occurs.
19 BBY
- The events of Star Wars: Episode V – The Rise of Darth Vader occur.
18 BBY
- Leia and Luke Skywalker are born to Nellith Skywalker.
17 BBY
- Mara Jade is born.
16 BBY
- Nellith Skywalker dies on Alderaan.
- Ahsoka Tano is slain in a duel with Darth Vader on Malachor.
- The Galactic Civil War begins.
- The events of Star Wars: Episode VI – A New Hope occur.
- The events of Star Wars: Episode VII – The Empire Strikes Back occur.
- The events of Star Wars: Episode VIII – Return of the Jedi occur.
- Jacen and Jaina Solo are born to Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo on Coruscant.
11 ABY
- Anakin Solo is born to Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo on Coruscant.
19 ABY
- The Galactic Civil War ends.
25-29 ABY
- The events of Star Wars: Episode IX occur.
- The events of Star Wars: Episode X occur.
- The events of Star Wars: Episode XI occur.
27 ABY
- Ben Skywalker is born to Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade Skywalker.
35 ABY
- The events of Star Wars: Episode XII occur.